Grape Seed Extract

Grape seed extract has a high content of compounds called OPCs (oligomeric proanthocyanidins), which are potent antioxidants, supporting healthy skin, providing cardiovascular support, and improving blood circulation. It protects the central nervous system from reactive oxygen species,1 and it helps to maintain healthy platelet function and other aspects of platelet responses.2
Proanthocyanidins have good free-radical scavenger ability, evidenced by their ability to improve antioxidant status in lab animals, in addition to improving thiol and other biomarker levels as well as memory.3 They also strengthen capillaries, arteries, and veins, improve circulation, protect against premature cell death in diabetic retinopathy,4 reduce capillary fragility, and reduce nerve damage in the eye. Grapeseed's flavonoids reduce inflammation and influence platelet release, giving it possible therapeutic value in cardiovascular conditions.5
It is a source of resveratrol, which targets multiple age-related issues such as mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, and oxidative stress.
1. Balu, M., Sangeetha, P., Murali, G., Panneerselvam, C. (2005). Age-related oxidative protein damages in central nervous system of rats: modulatory role of grape seed extract. Int J Dev Neurosci. Oct;23(6):501-7.
2. Vitseva, O., Varghese, S., Chakrabarti, S., Folts, J.D., Fredman, J.E. (2005). Grape seed and skin extracts inhibit
platelet function and release of reactive oxygen intermediates. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. Oct;46(4):445-51.
3. Ibid. Balu. (2005).
4. Ren, X., Lu, H., Wang, N., Zhang, C., Ji, Y., et al. (2017). Thioredoxin is implicated in the anti apoptotic
effects of grapeseed proanthocyanidin extract during hyperglycemia. Mol Med Rep, Nov;16(5):7731-7737.
5. Ibid. Vitseva.(2005).
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