Male Infertility Diet & Nutrition Discussion

Alcohol   Organic food   Nutrients   Diet   Overview

Male infertility may respond to diet and nutrition, according to research - many nutritional factors contribute to the problem.


Excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to lower percentages of normal sperm in men with poor sperm quality.1

Organic food

Researchers evaluating the sperm counts of workers in Danish organic greenhouses had a sperm count more than twice as high as that of the controls who were general blue collar workers.2 These farmers grew produce without pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. Although these findings are not conclusive, they do suggest that the pesticides and/or chemical fertilizer traces that remain in food may damage fertility.


Vitamin C

Vitamin C protects sperm from oxidative damage.6 Supplementing with vitamin C has been found to improve the quality of sperm in men who smoke.7 Men with low sperm quality sometimes have a condition called agglutination, which is when sperm stick together in clumps. Agglutination reduces fertility. Vitamin C has been found to reduce agglutination of sperm, 8 and supplementing with 200-1,000mg daily reduced men's infertility due to such clumping.9, 10 Many medical professionals recommend 1gm of vitamin C daily for infertile men, particularly if they have been determined to have sperm agglutination. A double-blind trial, however, evaluating the effects of vitamins C and E combined, found no such improvements.11


Deficiency of zinc is known to lead to reduced sperm numbers as well as men's impotence.12 However, the relationship between semen zinc levels and quality of sperm is controversial. Research has demonstrated that men with weak fertility have lower semen zinc levels than men with normal fertility.13 Likewise, men with higher amounts of semen zinc levels have more normal counts.14 At the same time however, other research demonstrates that high levels of semen zinc are tied to lower sperm motility.15 16 Some research has suggested that oral zinc supplementation helps sperm count,17, 18 motility,17, 20 and sperm shape for some infertile men.21 A small trial of volunteers found that zinc supplements of 240mg daily helped sperm counts and may have contributed to successful pregnancy in 1/3 of the infertile men.22 One controlled trial found that in 100 men who had poor sperm motility and who received either 57mg of zinc twice a day or a placebo23 there was marked improvement in quality, motility, count of sperm and fertilizing functioning of the sperm. This data was substantiated by later 2009 research.52 The ideal supplementation amount is not known but some medical professionals recommend 30 mg twice a day. Note: supplementing with zinc over the long-term requires 1-2mg of copper daily to prevent copper deficiency (preferably a 15:1 ratio of zinc to copper).


Arginine is an amino acid that is found in many foods and is needed for sperm production. Preliminary research demonstrates that several months of supplementing with L-arginine can increase sperm quality, count,24 25 26 and fertility.27 28 But if the base level of sperm count was very low, ie, less than 10 million per ml, then this supplementation brought very little or no improvement.29 30 Some pregnancies have been connected supplementing with arginine in preliminary trials31 but there has not been sufficient controlled research to substantiate the finding. For male infertility where sperm counts are greater than 10 million per ml, many health professionals recommend up to 4gm of L-arginine daily over several months.


One double-blind trial of infertile men who had low sperm motility found that supplementing with selenium (100mcg daily for 3 months) markedly improved sperm motility but did not improve sperm count. Pregnancy was achieved in 11% of 46 men who supplemented with selenium compared with none of the 18 men who were given a32 Also see 2011 research on the combination of selenium and vitamin E.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is necessary for maintained fertility and research has found that vitamin B12 received as injection has improved sperm counts for infertile men in several studies.33, 34 Other research that evaluated infertile men receiving oral vitamin B12 supplements (1,500mcg daily methylcobalamin for 2-13 months) found that 60% of the subjects had increased sperm counts.35 Controlled trials are needed to confirm this finding.


L-carnitine is a compound biosynthesized in the liver and kidneys by several amino acids and may be found in all cells of the body. It has been shown to be required for normal sperm cell functioning. In trials supplementing with 3-4gm daily for 4 months, it has been helpful in improving sperm motility in men who have poor sperm quality.36, 37 In addition, a preliminary study reported that acetylcarnitine (4gm daily) may be helpful to improve sperm motility.38

CoEnzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

The nutrient coenzyme Q10 exists in the mitochondria, the energy producing part of a cell. Although its precise function in forming sperm is not known, it has been found that as little as 10mg daily for two weeks can help improve sperm motility and sperm count.39 In one trial, men who had a poor sperm count received given CoQ10 (60mg daily for three months). While no great change was found for most aspects of sperm condition, there was a marked improvement in the success of in-vitro fertilization rates.40

Vitamin E

Animal infertility results from vitamin E deficiency.41 In one early trial couples received 100-200IU vitamin E daily resulted in a marked increase in fertility.42 It is thought that vitamin E may support fertility by reducing sperm cell damage from free-radicals. Another early trial found that men who had experienced low fertilization rates in previous in-vitro fertilization attempts and who were given 200IU vitamin E daily for 3 months found significant improvement after a month.43 It was also noted that the amount of oxidative stress on sperm cells was reduced.

A 2011 study of 690 infertile men found that vitamin E in combination with selenium, given for at least 100 days, resulted in a 52.6% improvement in sperm motility, shape (or both), and there was a 10.8% increase in reports of spontaneous pregnancy compared to no treatment51 Their conclusion was that these nutrients combined might improve semen quality and have protective and beneficial effects, particularly on motility. The researchers recommended the combination's use for the treatment of idiopathic male infertility which was identified as asthenoteratospermia or asthenospermia in analysis of the semen.


A small early trial suggested that oral S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe), at the rate of 800mg daily, might increase sperm activity in infertile men.45 More research is needed.


One of the roles of calcium is that it regulates human sperm functioning.46 The degree of calcium concentration in semen is tied to sperm motility.47 48 A 2012 study found that calcium ionophore improves outcomes in patients with severe male factor infertility.53

Asian ginseng

Some healthcare professionals feel that Asian ginseng may be helpful for male infertility. One trial involving 66 infertile men found that 4gm of Asian ginseng daily for three months resulted to an improvement in sperm count and motility.49 This research needs to be substantiated.

Related Health Condition: Male Infertility.


See other research on male infertility.

1. Goverde HJM, Dekker HS, Janssen HJG, et al. Semen quality and frequency of smoking and alcohol consumption - an explorative study. International Journal of Fertility, 1995;40:135-8.
2. Abell A, Ernst E, Bonde JP. High sperm density among members of organic farmers' association. Lancet 1994;343:1498.
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