Physical Exercise Reduces Eye Disease and Dementia

Exercise helps prevent eye diseasePhysical exercise is vital for eye health and overall health. Research shows the positive impacts of exercise on common eye conditions. What is the intricate relationship between exercise and eye health? Can regular physical activity reduce the risk of age-related eye diseases? What role does nutrition play? And, can physical exercise help stave off neurological disease, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses associated with aging? At Natural Eye Care, we want to support you with knowledge and practical tips for getting the exercise you need. Continue reading “Physical Exercise Reduces Eye Disease and Dementia”

Dry Eyes, Computer Screens, and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)

Dry eyes from computer and phone useDry eyes are among the most prevalent issues reported by our customers and patients. Women experiencing perimenopause and menopause frequently have dry eyes. However, it is increasingly observed across all age groups, largely attributable to prolonged use of digital devices such as computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. 1 2 This extended screen time alters blinking patterns over time and exposes us to environmental pollutants, contributing to the development of dry eye symptoms and meibomian gland dysfunction. Continue reading “Dry Eyes, Computer Screens, and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)”

How to Keep Your Brain Healthy–And Your Eyes!

healthy habits for the brain and eyesWhat is the relationship between brain health and eye health as we age? Our brains adapt and form new connections throughout our lives. Nutrition, lifestyle choices, and early detection play major roles in keeping the brain healthy, and the eyes. Find out about Natural Eye Care’s holistic approach to brain and eye health. Continue reading “How to Keep Your Brain Healthy–And Your Eyes!”

Lutein and Zeaxanthin: Updated Studies on Carotenoids for the Eyes

foods high in lutein and zeaxanthinLutein and zeaxanthin are two important nutrients found in various parts of the body, including the retina and eye lenses. Acting as powerful antioxidants, they are like an internal pair of sunglasses, filtering out harmful UVA/UVB and blue light. Additionally, they aid in reducing night glare, enhancing visual sharpness, and improving color contrast.

Research indicates that boosting levels of these carotenoids can lead to better visual function while also protecting against the onset and advancement of eye conditions like macular degeneration, glaucoma, and other eye diseases. Continue reading “Lutein and Zeaxanthin: Updated Studies on Carotenoids for the Eyes”

Eye Studies Reveal Natural Eye Care Effectiveness

Eye studiesAt Natural Eye Care, we view vision health from a whole-body perspective. Eye studies can reveal how to manage the visual system. However, the health of the eyes is connected to overall health. The visual system requires as much as 25% of the nutrients we take into our bodies. The brain needs even more. How we take care of ourselves goes a long way in helping to preserve healthy vision. Personal care includes emotional balance, and lifestyle considerations such as eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and targeted supplementation. Continue reading “Eye Studies Reveal Natural Eye Care Effectiveness”

Why Avoid Myopia? How to Reduce the Risk of Nearsightedness

Myopia or Nearsightedness often requires corrective lenses or glassesMyopia is one of the main reasons people start wearing glasses when they are young. Far objects are blurry, and close-up objects are clear when you are nearsighted or myopic. Did you know that lifestyle and daily habits can have a big impact on the development of myopia? Reducing the risk of myopia in children and teens is essential because this eye condition can lead to more serious eye problems. For example, it increases the risk of retinal detachment, glaucoma, and cataracts. Myopia can also strike adults. Avoiding corrective lenses entirely should be enough motivation to head off the problem. What can you do to help yourself and your family? Continue reading “Why Avoid Myopia? How to Reduce the Risk of Nearsightedness”

Natural Anti-Aging: Fight Neurological Disease

Aging Strains the Brain

The proportion of the elderly is increasing rapidly worldwide in recent decades with rapid socio-economic development. In 2019, there were 1 billion people aged 60 years and older. It is estimated that this number will increase to 1.4 billion by 2030, and to 2.1 billion by 2050. The proportion of the elderly (aged >60 years) is estimated to rise to 22% of the world population by 2050.  1 Continue reading “Natural Anti-Aging: Fight Neurological Disease”

NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide): The New Anti-Aging Nutrient?

nicotinamide mononucleotide NMN anti-aging nutrientIs it possible that NMN – nicotinamide mononucleotide – is an anti-aging nutrient? This chemical occurs naturally in the body, but levels drop in seniors. Researchers are finding that taking NMN supplements appears to have benefits. How does NMN work? What does it do? And, could seniors slow down the aging process by taking it?

Continue reading “NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide): The New Anti-Aging Nutrient?”

Heavy Metal Contamination in Chocolate – Mercury and Lead Harm the Brain

dark chocolate can be contaminated with lead and cadmiumChocolate stands alone as both a tasty confection and a healthy food. However, a recent Consumer Reports study found that heavy metals contaminate many brands of chocolate. Cadmium and lead pose health risks, especially neurological health. This includes Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia. Why is chocolate—especially dark chocolate—considered to be healthy? Why is chocolate contaminated? And how can you find chocolate that is safest to eat? Continue reading “Heavy Metal Contamination in Chocolate – Mercury and Lead Harm the Brain”

Why Alzheimer’s Disease is Visible in the Eyes

eyes, the brain and Alzheimer's diseaseThe eyes and the brain are more closely linked than you might realize. Amyloid-beta plaque, the hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease, starts building up in the eyes for a long time before obvious symptoms of dementia appear. Early detection of this brain disease is crucial for slowing its progression. Doctors can screen for Alzheimer’s disease by running a retinal scan. Why? The eyes are neural tissue. Therefore, what is good for the eyes is also good for the brain.

Based on scientific research, Natural Eye Care has recommendations for keeping both your brain and your eyes healthier as you age. We take a holistic approach to Alzheimer’s prevention and management. Early detection, lifestyle, nutrition, and exercise are all important to healthy aging.

The Eyes Mirror The Brain

Why Does Alzheimer’s Show Up in the Eyes? Continue reading “Why Alzheimer’s Disease is Visible in the Eyes”